Aug 14, 2009


So it's been forever since I updated my blog. This summer has been so crazy! Henry is a moving machine. He is crawling everywhere and is totally interested in pulling up and cruising around. He always wants to walk around holding on to Dustin and I. He has finally started getting some teeth. He got 1 top tooth and 1 bottom tooth at the same time. Now he is working on the other top front and bottom front. Needless to say, our house is full of a whiny little man. He's still super cute though! He will be 11 months next week! It's hard to believe that the time has gone this fast. I cannot believe that I had to order his birthday invites and I have to start planning his party. It's bittersweet.... He's not going to be my little baby, but he's so much fun right now. I'm happy to see him turning into a little kid, but a little sad that he doesn't need me as much. I'm sure everyone knows what I'm talking about. Here's a little bitty baby picture of him. Hard to believe he was ever that small.....